Over 100 UA journeymen and apprentices from Local Plumbers 5, Steamfitters Local 602, helpers, and staff gathered at Plumbers Local 5 Training Facility in Lanham on September 23rd, along with Prince George’s County Department of Family Services to kick off the annual Heat’s On Water’s Off charitable program. Since 1998 , these men and women donate their Saturday to service the heating and plumbing systems in homes of the elderly throughout Prince George’s County.
The mechanics inspect the homes mechanical systems to assure they will supply the warmth and hot water needed to sustain the residents throughout the cold winter months. The homes are also monitored for faulty carbon monoxide detectors and the Prince Georges County Fire Department ensures all smoke alarms are in working order.
The mechanical contractors supply the service trucks and several supply houses furnish the supplies that are needed for the inspections. The Mechanical Contractors Association of Metropolitan Washington is proud of the work that tradesmen and community organizations provide to our deserving, elderly citizens.