Source: Trane
You know it costs money to service and maintain your car, but it is nothing compared to the cost and inconvenience of break downs or major damage to your vehicle.
Now take that approach regarding your HVAC system. Yes, an annual service agreement and regular maintenance will cost you. However, what would a down machine cost, and how else would it impact business and productivity or tenant satisfaction?

Put Money Back in Your Pocket
Research has shown that regular preventive maintenance can not only get more life out of your equipment and more energy-efficient operation, but save an estimated 12-18%* of your budget compared to making reactive repairs.
More than that, preventative maintenance can meet the inherent demands of your mission-critical and risk management objectives—from increased reliability and operating efficiency to clean environments and asset optimization.
We know the little costs add up and that preventive maintenance requires time and attention that's low on the priority list. That’s why we’re taking care of it for you. Boland offers two options for you and your building:
Service Agreement provides your equipment with its annual maintenance and service, from filters to oil changes, seasonal lay up and more.
Full Service Agreement covers maintenance and adds risk coverage, such as repairs.

Of course, your system is comprised of more than rooftop units and chillers, so consider the following components many contractors may not offer:
Get Financing, Too!
We also know that business owners today face a variety of challenges. We understand it can be difficult to remain competitive and that growing your business often requires the need to modernize facilities and acquire new equipment.
Our team will work with you to determine the best approach on how you can get the solutions you need by looking at a range of contracting vehicles, utility incentives, and other available programs.
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