Prepare your building this summer for planned or unexpected outages with Boland's rental services and equipment. Our team of experts provides turnkey rental solutions helping to select, install, and service the equipment.
Contact our experts at (800) 552-6526.

Rental Chillers
Air-Cooled Scroll and Screw Compressors: 25-500 ton
Integral pumps, circuit breakers, or fused disconnect, 0° - 65°F Water
Water-Cooled: 250-1,000 ton
Centrifugal R-123, circuit breakers, or fused disconnect
Air-Handling Units
5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 25,000 cfm
Fused disconnect, flex duct connectors
VFD, high static, filter pressure gauge
Hot water capability on most units
Cooling Towers
250, 500, 750, and 1,000 ton
Induced draft open-loop towers on trailer with basin manifold
270-ton low profile forced draft open-loop towers

Diesel Generators
25kW - 1,750kW
All sizes are prime rating
Dedicated trailers, on-board fuel storage
Models available that are switchable between 460V and 208V
CFM Portable Air Conditioning Units
1-5 tons
For more information on our full rental services and equipment fleet, click here.