May 2021

"The next phase", "hybrid schedules", and "occupancy rates" are all terms building and business owners are familiar with in the new normal. Regulations, indoor air quality, and occupant concerns are driving changes in demands while the internet and media offer a sea of solutions. Let’s take a look at this from a different angle and start with an assessment of your current state.
Your system has been dormant or adjusted to lower demands. Technology makes it easy to ramp it right back up, but doing so often reveals maintenance needs with equipment that needs attention or simply isn’t ready to go back to normal operating status.
From contaminants that may now be in the pipes, to low oil, or clogged filters that haven’t been changed, a spike in use for an unmaintained system can lead to equipment failure or urgent repairs.
Before you look to power back up to normal operations:
Have a service company provide proper seasonal and/or annual maintenance to your system. This will ensure your building can operate at normal levels seamlessly and will identify any areas that need attention.
Address indoor air quality with the provider. Find out what they have seen in the market and industry. Ask what the pros and cons are, as well as who is backing the product claims (is it FDA compliant, has it been tested by universities, what lab testing was done, etc). You can also tune into this podcast on IAQ.
Find out what you can do to comply with current regulations now. A good service provider will know the ASHRAE and CDC recommendations, such as providing additional outside air and increasing ventilation. This can also be done quickly compared to purchasing new products. Here are short, YouTube Tip Tuesdays may be useful.
You’re not done. Once the system maintenance is performed and any repairs addressed, check back in.
How is the system performing?
Can your provider check this remotely for you and provide a report or update?
Can you log into your own system to check on daily operating status and trends?
Schedule service at (240) 306-3300 or request a consultation below: